Cable Group Ltd is rated 3 out of 5 in the category telecommunications. Read and write reviews about Cable Group Ltd. Alfa Cable offers some 140+ digital channels like Discoveries, FOX-es, etc, as well as international channels like UK, German, Italian and French one, Balkan and most known Albanian Channels. The entire platform is digitized (head-end and digital receivers). Alfa Cable offers also Interenet Services with dedicated speeds from 0.512 Mbps to 4 Mbps for Residents and 10+Mbps for Businesses. Until end of 2011 the company will introduce the telephony service (VoIP) through the Unified Communication Platform of "communigate Systems" (USA). Alfa Cabel is operating in Tirana, Capital of Albania and covers some 95% of Tirana's Households. Alfa Cable ofron 140 kanale nga me te zgjedhurit si Discoveries, FOX-s, etc, si dhe ne nivel nderkombetar kanale Italiane, Gjermane, Franceze, Angleze, Amerikane, Ballkanase dhe kanalet me te njohura shqiptare. E gjithe platforma eshte e dixhitalizuar (Head-End and Decoders). Alfa Cable ofron sherbim Interneti me shpejtesi te dedikuar 512 Kbps - 4 Mega per Residentet dhe 10+ Mbps per Businesses. . Deri ne fund te 2012 Alfa Cabel do te ofroje edhe sherbimin e Telefonisë (VoIP), me platformen e Komunikimit te Unifikuar nga "Communigate Systems" (USA). Alfa operon ne Tirane, Kryeqytetin e Shqiperise, dhe mbulon me rrjet afro 95% te zones urbane te Tiranes.
Company size
11-50 employees
Tirana, Tirana